Character Photo
Character Photo


Yes the AI pictures look meh. He has cyber eyes so I suppose it is ok if they look a bit off.


Halstead, AKA Will Johnson, was born in a small west texas town by the name of Balmorhea in the year 2029. His parents Enid and Franklen Johnson uprooted their family and moved northwest into the town of Salem in the hatch valley of New Mexico a few years before the Texas recession from the CAS and the Aztlaner invasion. While his parents could afford to purchase their own shareholder status in the pueblo council, Halstead was left out. Due to his young age this was not forseen as a problem. The idea was to buy him in once he was older and the family could afford it. While he was young, Halstead was fond of a trideo wild wild western: Lazer Lasso and the Bullet Brigade. He took his street moniker from one of the characters there in. A gentleman cowboy with a heart of gold and a penchant for trouble. After reaching adulthood, Halstead found himself unemployable in the pueblo council due to his status as a non shareholder. Fortunately, his parents had never officialy disclaimed his citizenship in the CAS. After a short attempt at gainful employment in Denver selling printers Halstead found himself raising his right hand and solemly swearing into the UCAS.The chrome was free, if not basic and the training was top notch. However the chrome was basic. With his natural skill as a marksmen and top marks in training, he eventually found himself a candidate for a special operations support unit under a secondary contract between DocWagon and the UCAS. Mastering infiltration, crowd control, and crisis management became his daily routine. When a disaster hit and relief was needed, Cpt. Johnson and his team were there keeping ovrewatch. When a special operations team got in over their head and they needed extraction, Cpt. Johnson and his team were there. When years of riggorous training and missions, coupled with an essence shredded by cyberware took its toll, Cpt. johnson's team wasn't there. Due to very low essence, and the mental toll of soldiering Will Johnson slowly made the transition to becoming less himself and more a personification of the character he used to watch on Tri-D. While friendly enough, and able to function in society the street sam was also a stone cold killer. He had to eat after all, and by the gun was his bread and butter.


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